
So I keep seeing the recruiter from the staffing agency I from which I use to work. They are located in the same building as my current employer. Man that recruiter needs to get the stick out of her ass. Someone is bitter. Dirty looks – the stink eye. I finally just smiled at her which I am sure made her livid.  Sorry that when I began to work for you- I told you that it was going to be just that- a temp job. A job to hold me over until I found what I wanted to do. After working at such a hell hope of a place- I was done just working – I want a career.

God forbid I wanted to further myself and find stable employment that affords me excellent compensation and benefits. You should be happy I stayed as long as I did and I did an excellent job. The supervisor on that job said she would have hired me on if she could. I went above and beyond as a temp and you know that. Sorry I can no longer be your data entry commission check bitch- I am an incarnate person meant to change the world. I am working in my field of choice. And I am impacting lives on a daily basis. What are you doing?

Holy shit- I can actually take a vacation out of the country and grasp ( wait for it) get paid for it. I actually can afford to furnish by soon to be new home with nice things. Even if I do buy stuff from the second hand store. I am a lot more modest than some people think. I am a bargain shopper to be honest- I like the finer things but I am always watching for deals. But I am able to live, feel like I am contributing to society, change lives, and do what I want to.

I went out and bought myself a pair of 1 karat diamond earrings. Great deal- excellent quality. I was like screw it. I deserve to treat myself and I did just that.

So to my former recruiter – may you have better days and your bitterness resolve. You are just pissed that you are no longer my superior. Hate to sound rude and hate feeling like this but I am going to say it! Time to get over your little temper tantrum and understand that you placed me in a temp job. I worked temporary for you and then I went out and found a real job. Makes sense?



Ain’t life a kick in the head!

Life has its ups and downs. But my life is going so good as of late. Work is extremely busy- My former coworker/friend just up and quit. Hate to say this but I think he made an awful mistake. I understand he did what he had to do, but man this company is going places. I wanted to tell him to hang on but he did not want to. See this is where I have changed – I simply keep things to myself. I only hang around excellent people and he was one of them.  I grew tired of people asking for my advice then getting pissed off when I gave it to them. So I simply stopped. I am there for my friends but I have learned to take a back seat. I don’t make up the rules of the world nor am I Dr. Phil. I simply have no time for friends of the road and hanging around an exclusive few has greatly reduced drama and stress. See I have my circle of close friends- and that is who I am open with things. I tell them my problems as well as all the joy in my life. For example, L who I love is my best friend. I feel like sending a thank you note to his exes- he is that amazing. Stubborn and a little too kind. Now that I am in the picture I have told L how I feel. There nothing wrong with helping as we all need help once in a while. But some people take L for granted. I have sympathy for people to a point but L has his own problems. He is deeply hurting from his sister passing and work is exhausting to him. I wish people would do the things for L that he does for others. I guess maybe I am too bias because what I feel is absolute love for the man. I just worry about him because he has needs, wants, problems, dreams, desires, and his own life too.

I have to travel the next three weeks for work. Then I am going to Arizona in September to see my friend and then going on a cruise in October to the Caribbean.  I cannot wait for Fall to get here it is going to be awesome.

I decided to volunteer this fall to help people learn to read. Plus the move is right around the corner- and I am excited I am going to adopt two cats. I have to buy a couch and I have a photo shoot coming up. I decided to hire my friend’s professional photographer friend. It was close to 4oo bucks which includes hair and makeup. I am not even sure what the going rate is for photo shoots but I am fond of her work.

Oh and some random thing. I entered a contest and won a Beligum Cruiser Bike. I have no use for it so I might give it to a charity or an upcoming raffle. I mean I could get money for it and if and when I do I will donate the money. I was going to take that money and put it away for when L and I go on our vacation next year- but if I get around half a grand for it- I would rather give it to charity. Our vacation is far off and I have this one particular charity I support. Well there are several or maybe I will split the money and give it to multiple charities- who really knows. But any chance I get I try to donate to good causes.

Time to clean off this dusty shelf.

Wow- summer of 2016 is wrapping up. As much as I hate to say goodbye to summer( actually I welcome it) things have been hectic. My job is wonderful and I love what I do. I work in the educational field and loved that I have obtained stable employment.

We are short staffed but I have been holding down the fort so to speak. Not to toot my own horn but I have been excelling and shining like a star. It is nice to be part of a great team, love what I do, and receive excellent pay and benefits to boot.

Things with L are amazing- never knew what is was liked to be loved unconditionally. While our relationship is far from perfect- it works. When he holds me- I know I am loved. He went to a convention and came back with a autograph which I will show you! image

That caught me off guard. I was over his house and he said go look over there. And there this beauty was and I will treasure it always. That is true unconditional love if you ask me. I know L is struggling- his lost his sister this year. I bought him this pretty butterfly shadow box with his sister’s name on it. He loved it!

I took classes over the summer and I am close to being done with my second graduate program. Someone asked me if a doctorate is in the cards and the answer is no. I am done with being a  student and know I will go far in my current job. I was advised I am possibly getting a raise and I see a promotion in the near future here hopefully.

I have a call into my friend in Arizona as I would like to come see her in September and then my mom and are off to the Caribbean in October. At times when I became overwhelmed I was like it will be slowing down. Well I need to write another blog as I have to run!